Thursday, 25 October 2007

Week 4: Let The Modelling Commence! 25/10/07

While Sam, Kanika and Harvey got on with building huge chunks of the environment, I thought I would help us out by modelling things which we could all use in our own sections as well as my own. I.e. I started modelling various windows, doors, etc.. This would be my aim for over the weekend so that when the others come to building their buildigns I would have built up a library of things they could import- I did this for a few reasons.
1. It would make life alot easier when it comes to building various buildings- You would jus tbuild a plane and import what i'e built for quick buildings.
2.Continuity (spell?) similar windows to show its in the same place
3.I could be flexible and vary in what my buildigns look like.
4.Easier to texture single objects such as windowswhen they aren't attatched to walls.

Here are a slection of stuff I've built during the day and also the stages they were built:

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