Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Week 1: Research 16/10/07

The initial list of artists, genres, films or games to research are as follows:

-'Nightmare Before Cmas'- Tim burton. We thought that the dark and creepy style of this film would be quite cool to try and capture.

-'Fall Out 3'- This game is a big influence so far on this project. We really liked the idea of having a desolate Barcelona- extremely barren and demolished. We also liked the palette that was used.

-Resident Evil 5- after watching the trailer for this game, we were really convinced that our idea would be succesful. It was very similar to what were were initally trying to visualise. I don't think none of us were too keen on the zombie/monster cliche, which is good as it gives us a challenge to try and think of other concepts why our environment is so desolate. At this point, we were considering all sorts which I will later post.

-Gears of War- This Game was also a huge influence. We all really liked the stone work in the environment. By this point, we all had some idea of how big this project may become (which if i'm honest, gave me a lot of concerns about how well we will be able to pull the idea off, esp seeing the amount of detail in Gears of war, Fallout and Resi 5.)

-Black Hawk Down- Having never seen this film I was interested in seeing screen shots and trailers etc... It seemed to back up our ideas- and also offered other ways of how the environment become desoltae- I.e A war had taken place which killed everyone.

-28 Days Later- Brilliant zombie film- a desolate London. Just looking at other influences. The colour palette is slightly different in this film than in BHD, so we may not use this film from that perspective, but it does help us to look at how we can captrue an 'empty' city with the use of props etc...

-Casshern- Casshern is quite an unusual film and it was mentionned by Sam as an idea of using Sepia as the tone in our textures. We will have to look into this whether it will flatten our environment by making everything sepia? Or if it will help soften it instead?

(Image above:Casshern)

-Desperado- Spanish/Mexico set film. Excellent architectual influnces in this film. This film will be an excellent source of lighting effects and colours. We also want to include sound (i.e sound effects and music) into our animation so taking influences from films such as 'Desperado' and 'Once Upon a Time in Mexico' will help us with that.

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