Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Week 2: Initial StoryBoard Ideas 16/10/07

I shall just explain the storyboards; well this is completely seperate from the stroyboard below- thats the first thing you need to know. The image above is more of a concept drawing more than anything. I wanted to explore more of the contrast between light and dark and what images would be really cool to exaggerate that.He I have the entrance to the alley and the entrance to the courtyard. Wide shots but really dramatic! This is the actual storyboard so far- what we initially tried to capture. The cat 'somehow' knocks the ball of wall out of the ladys hand (who is in fact very much deaded). the ball bounces out the door and then out into the main street with the cat follow. zooms out to show that the place is destroyed. Its obviously not finished and has no Barcalona signature architecture yet but it was more of a case to have the ideas on paper as quick as we could. See how it's working, if it is that is, and go from there. Are the angle working? are the zooms too fast etc.. all stuff liek that we were tryin to think of now so we could work out how muc hwe needed to model.

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