Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Week 1: Spanish Building Research 16/10/07

Trying to research Spanish style buildings was a struggle! I thought trusty 'google' would do most the work for me but it failed miserably. I found a fair few images, problem was, I had no idea how the rest of the group visualised Spain. I gave myself the job, along with Harvey, to start researching and designing Spanish buildings to get a good head start. We both hit a brick wall... very fast.
We both found a few images that we thought would probably work, however, basing our enivornment on Barcelona, where neither of us have ever been was pretty difficult.

I was still trying to find a spanish town which was traditional enough to look 'Spanish' but also something similar to the cities in 'Gears of War' and 'Fallout'.
Here are the examples I found:

This one I thought resembled the gothic look that appears in Gears of War. Knowing there was a Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, I thought this would be a good image to start with.

There was talk of a courtyard being the main focus of our animation. However this was the only clear image I could find of a courtyard.

As you can see, even this image is fairly poor. I should have to make sure I get enough photographic evidence of courtyards in Barcelona.

Here I found a really nice image of a building on the edge of a courtyard.

I really liked the tall windows it has in the tower and the white brick work.

This was the closest image I found that I considered to resemble Spain as I saw it in my head. I really liked the tanks and the sandbags in this picture too.

Here is a poor image I made on photoshop in a few minutes to try to show the rest of the group how I visualised 'Spanish' architecture.
I think I was growing impatient as I felt I couldn't move forward without having photographic evidence of Barcelona.

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