Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Week 1: Random Ruined Buildings Research 16/10/07

Here are just a few images I found that although aren't related to Spanish architecture, will hopefully help in recognising how buildings collapse and what usually remains standing.
This will help create a more convincing demolished environment. ;)

I really liked this image when I saw it- Its a little difficult to see all the detail as it's not in colour but its a really good source to look at debris and the destruction of buildings.

The guys were talking about having archways made out of stone which soudned like a really cool idea- Thought I look for some random archways and see what google comes out with. Thsi was the best one I could find : The group seemed to like it but we still gonna have to wait til we go to Barcalona for us to find exactly what we're looking for though :(

This is actually a Gears of War image but I thought it would go better in this section of research- wit hthe otehr runied buildings. I think I chose this image for the concept side of things- looking how simply they make the buildings look destroyed without doin every bit of detail. here they have just 'opaqued' or something, the bits of wood which has a really nice effect.

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