Thursday, 29 November 2007

week 9: Rendering and compositing! 29/11/07

AAhhh, how much I do hate the rendering. Every experience I've had with rendering has never gone well. This time was of course no exception... :(
We aimed to have about 7 shots fully rendered by tuesday and to put into premiere for someone to composite it together and add the music and to add a small credit sequence at the beginning, we were thinking that having the names appear on the ball of wool will lead nicely into the animation.
This was such a bad judgement of time management. We manged to render most of the scenes by weds, however our biggest obstacle was that the final thing looked nothing like how we planned or imagined it... imagine the anti-climax here....
We were impressed with a couple of shots we did, but overall, perhaps it just didn't work?
Me, Matt and Sam spent the whole of weds trying to play around in premiere to see how we could fix the issue without trying to re-render scenes. The problem we were trying to deal with was mainly the lighting. In some shots the lighting looked so cool, but in otehrs it made the entire shot look 'flat'. We knew that this should have been checked before rendering more carefully but we were having a few problems startin renders and opening up the render views to see how it woudl look that we just had to go for it and hope for the best.
Individually, the shots looked cool and we thought we had it but we put it togehter adn it just looked so flat.
Unfortunately we didnt have anyone skilled enough with 'after effects' to really do the final touches on the aniamtion like dust particles etc...which would have really been nice to have, so we tried our best to use premiere to our advantage. We sort of made it looking ok by weds but we were still very unhappy with it. Hopefully come Friday we will be able to all put our heads together to figure out how to make it work!

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