Monday, 26 November 2007

Week 8: Final section completed and start of rendering! :D 26th Nov

Heres just an image I rather liked shoing off the lighting going down the street, has some nice shadows sweeping across the buildings.
This week has been quite good actually- really got to grips with texturing and some would say i actually started to have a bit of fun doing it. I couldn't say I would enjoy doing it as a job but was enjoyable nonetheless. I think seeing the images this week and what everyone else was up to, i began thinking that our idea might actually come together... well fingers are still crossed. :)
Harvey finished off the lighting in every scene, his scene lookedawesoem so i had the confidence that the otehr ones will look just as good too.
I think alot of this week was just making sure that my scene flowed into harveys scene well and so on...

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