Thursday, 29 November 2007

Week 9: Final thoughts 29/11/07

well... Having not seen the final film which matt tells us is looking pretty awesome, I'm still not swayed to consider this a total success stroy, however I would like to focus more on the things we did do well.
Firstly, we communicated extremely well. Throughout the entire projects we really strived to make sure that everyone had a chance to have an input on the final outcome. This was down to making sure that everone was aware of ANY changes being made. So, although the project hasn't come out exactly how we imagined it to, for future employment, team work is def one of our strongest traits to boast in.
I was also impressed with our constant enthusiasm and overall work ethic. I had doubts that because we were all friends, we wouldn't push eachother or ourselves to the same degree as if you were trying to impress someone you hadn't worked with before. Instantly we were excited about the project and really went for it, we opend our eyes to where we were over excelling ourselves to the point where were didn't have the knowledge to achieve what we wanted, esp in the schedule, but this was all sorted in the early stages of the project.
Even when things started to glitch on us, because we we re so organised and ahead, someone could step in to assist the person who was struggling, and thereby taking someof the stress off them.
I am also pleased with the learning outcomes that we have all achieved. The tools that we did know have been sharpened, and the tools we didn't ,we have now practised with to start experimenting with, as opposed to just the 'using to learn' method.
For me personally, my confidence in premiere has increased, but laso my interest in it. Before i was always apprehensive with suing it as I didnt know much about it, but now I use it with otehr things I'm really starting to enjoy it as a neccessary tool.

sooo... altho the film itself may/may not have been a total success, I know the learning outcomes have been worth all the pain, blood, sweat, tears, and random acts of rage...

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